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Delivery Area

Our team can deliver your silo throughout most of Victoria and parts of southern New South Wales and eastern South Australia.

GE Silos does all our own deliveries. Yep, you heard that right! We have our own tipper trailers and delivery drivers and we personally deliver and install every silo we make.

We do this so we can be in control of the installation and provide the utmost care for a smooth experience.

We don't mind a long drive if the job calls for it and we've been known to deliver our silos as far as Newcastle, Bega, and even Hillston.

We have a transparent delivery rate of $4.40 per km for smaller silos and $5.50 per km for larger silos that require a pilot car.

So if you’re thinking of getting a GE Silo but you’re not sure whether we’ll deliver to you, or whether it’ll end up being too expensive — why not get in touch and ask our team for a quote and we’ll take it from there.